The Account Owner is able to upgrade a User Account into an Admin Account within the Users section of Futrli Advisor.
As an Admin, they will then have access to the Forecasting section, have the ability to add new Organisations and have access to the Printed Reports feature. They'll also have the ability to update any User Account's permissions.
To confirm, any User or Admin will have access to Organisations that they have been given access to. If they have not been given access to an Organisation, it will not display on their Account in any form.
Upgrading a User to Admin
First, navigate to the Users section of Futrli Advisor, found via the cog in the top right of the window:
Within this section, you will find an overview of everyone who has access to an Organisation within your User hierarchy. To view or alter individual permissions click the 'Edit' button next to a User.
Here you will find an overview of the Organisations which that User has access to. You can give them access to new Organisations, edit their non-financial access or Account Category permissions, as well as being able to upgrade User Accounts to Admin Accounts, or downgrade Admin Accounts to User Accounts.
To upgrade a User to Admin, click 'Upgrade to Admin' and when prompted, hit 'Confirm' to save: