Our organization is connected, we've got some forecasted figures that we've reported against, we've even added a user and shared our board with them! Next up, one of Futrli Advisor's most useful features that will allow you to stay one step ahead of the game, 'Alerts'!
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We can find the Alerts feature in the menu at the top of the window:
Alerts will be at their most powerful for those organizations that integrate directly from Xero or QuickBooks, where data is being updated on a daily basis. In this example, we're going to set an alert up that is going to trigger if our bank account drops below a certain amount.
The organization we've been using so far through these steps, 'Example Organization', has a lovely healthy bank balance of over £100,000, so let's set this alert up to warn us if it ever drops below that figure:
It's as easy as completing the form!
Step 1 - Do we want to set this alert against an account, or do we want to create a formula? In this case, it's an account we want. We can then select the appropriate organization and select the account, in this example we'll use the account category 'Bank Accounts', rather than a specific bank account. We want to know when our cumulative total drops below £100,000, so we'll want our data to be cumulative.
Step 2 - Next up, there are two options to choose from. Do we want the alert to focus on the bank account's total on a specific date, or do we want a running total. We're going to want a running total, so option 2 it is. We can then select if we want this alert to be ready to trigger for just today, or this week, month, financial quarter or financial year. Let's go with the financial year for now. It's bad news if we drop below £100,000 and we're going to set it up that we have a 10% threshold, giving us the chance to act before it's too late!
Step 3 - Final thing, who would you like to be alerted. You can add yourself, then any users and admins who have access to the organization in question!
When ready, just click 'Save' and your alert is ready and poised to give you that vital heads up! What better way to trigger automated messages to your Financial Director or Credit Controller, giving them the ability to action the appropriate responses!
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That concludes your brief tour of Futrli Advisor and the basic features! If you ever have any questions, our Support Team are available and always happy to help!