Your organization is set up, we've forecasted against it and we've now built a board with some cards, bringing that data to life. The next step is to not keep it to yourself, but to invite others into Futrli Advisor so they can join in the fun!
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Let's run through the process of adding a user to your account. They'll be able to create their own work, but we're going to share our newly created board with them as well.
Navigate to the 'Users' section of Futrli Advisor to get started:
Hit 'Add User' and you'll be taken through to the invite, this is where you can set the user or admin's account settings:
We're setting up a new user, so for now we don't need to click into 'Upgrade to Admin'. To access the 'Forecasting' and 'Printed Reports' sections of Futrli Advisor, you do need to be an admin. This help guide has information on upgrading them if you need to!
Enter the recipient's name and email, then on the right hand side, select the organization(s) you'd like them to have access to. At this stage of getting to know Futrli Advisor, it might be worth just using a personal email or a colleague who you can bark at to accept your invitation.
Once you've hit 'Add' to give permission for an organization, you can click into that organization in question to set permissions for non-financial data and for account category access:
When ready, click 'Back' to take you back to the main invite, then 'Continue'.
The next step is to select which boards on your account you would like to have showing on their account when they log in for the first time:
Any boards shared at this stage will be shared as copies with full edit access. For now, we're not going to worry about board sharing, we'll share 'My New Board' once our invitation has been accepted.
Click 'Continue' and you'll be able to edit the default invitation message that is sent, then when ready, send away! They'll receive the invite immediately:
Once the invitation has been accepted and your user has their account set up, we can share our board with them! You have a few options here, do you want to send a copy or a live version (any changes made to a live board will update on any recipients accounts)? Do you want the recipient to have read only access, or would you like them to be able to make changes?
For now, let's share our board as a live version with read only access.
Head back into the board and you'll see in the menu bar at the top we have a 'Share' option. Click that and your two options will display:
'Send a Copy' is what you'll need if you only want to, well, send a copy. For now, we'll need to click 'Share Boards':
Add the recipient into the search box, then you will see the option to share this board as 'Read Only' or 'Write Access'. Let's stick with 'Read Only' for now!
When happy, make sure you click 'Give Permissions'. You'll see that the user will be listed as having access to the board, at that point you can hit 'Done'.
That's it! Your user now has a live version of the board you control! Any changes you make, they'll see! In the top right menu within the board, you'll now see an option to 'Notify Users'. Every time you hit this, the user will receive a notification and a link to the board so they can take a look at what has changed.
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Only one more step to go and your tour of Futrli Advisor and the basic features is complete, but we've saved a good one for last!