You can convert forecast items that have been created using the forecast formula or monthly growth methods to 'On the Fly' using the 'Convert to On the Fly' option. This allows you to quickly create forecast items using any forecasting method and then convert the results to 'On the Fly' in order to easily make adjustments. Please note, converting to 'On the Fly' is permanent and cannot be undone.
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Navigating to the line you wish to convert
In our example below, we've used the formula forecast method to forecast our cost of sales as 30% of our sales. We now want to convert this item to 'On the Fly' in order to factor in some of the deviations from this general trend we expect to see. To do so, we first need to navigate to where our forecast item appears in our chart of accounts on the workings tab.
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Toggling additional options
We can select the 'Convert to On the Fly' option by clicking the cog adjacent to the forecast item in question. This will reveal additional options for the forecast item. From these select 'Convert to On the Fly':
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Previewing the results
After selecting 'Convert to On the Fly', a preview of the values which will be stored against each month will be displayed. These can be edited or altered as you wish.
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Saving your changes
Once happy, simply select the 'Save Changes' button to save your changes. Remember, this change will be permanent and cannot be undone!